Experience the uproarious comedy of Brincos Dieras, hailed as "the most irreverent clown in all of Latin America," at the Saroyan Theatre in Fresno on February 14. Known for his flamboyant clown costume, makeup, and captivating stage presence, Brincos Dieras has garnered a massive following with his engaging live performances. Originally from El Paso, Texas, this international sensation has graced stages across the United States and Mexico, earning a reputation as a compelling figure in the world of Latin comedy.
Don't miss this sought-after showman as he takes you on a hilarious journey filled with big laughs and unforgettable moments. With a notable track record of sharing the stage with esteemed humorists and captivating audiences with his larger-than-life persona, Brincos Dieras is sure to leave you in stitches. Follow him on Instagram and TikTok to stay up-to-date with his latest comedic escapades and witness firsthand why he continues to reign supreme in the world of Latin comedy.
Phone: 559.621.8763
848 M Street, 2nd Floor
Fresno, California 93721